Breidenbach Associates Law Offices, LLC labor and employment law services in Pottstown, Pennsylvania cover a wide range of legal issues today's workers are facing in the workplace. We provide top-notch legal guidance on a variety of civil and workplace issues, ranging from discrimination and filing for workers comp to protecting your rights as an employee. Our reputation for delivering powerful legal strategy and advanced advice against employers of all sizes is what makes us such powerful partners. 

Employment law only protects you if you understand your rights. When something happens in the workplace, the majority of individuals don't have enough time to spend exploring the intricacies of regional legislation, instances, rulings, and similar court decisions--they need help immediately. That's where Breidenbach Associates Law Offices, LLC comes in. We've spent years focusing on labor legislation helping people just like you to understand and vigorously protect their rights. Some of the areas where we have been successful recently include discrimination, employee contracts, comp time, minimum wage, overtime, snow days, garnishment, vacation pay, medical and family leave, layoffs, sexual harassment, unempoyment law, drug tests, employee privacy, foreign labor, harassment of whistleblowers, and more.

Federal law strictly prohibits employers from discriminating against employees because of their race, religion, colour, sex, disability, age (in some instances) and hereditary information. If you think you've experienced employment discrimination, the very first thing you should do is seek guidance from a trusted legal expert. We will examine the unique details of your situation and give you a solid legal plan that protects your rights and gives you confidence when presenting your problem to the offending party and your company.

Our top labor and employment lawyers can explain the fine details surrounding employee contract legislation so that you never sign anything without understanding exactly what it means. In the event your contract has been breached or terminated by either party, we can investigate the facts for you, to ensure your best interests are being served.

Workers compensation law is in place to assist workers who have been injured while performing the duties and responsibilities of their occupation. We'll help you recover lost wages and medical expenses incurred, as well as disability and rehab costs. When you've been injured, the last thing you need is the added strain of defending your rights from company litigators. We act as a protective barrier between you and your former company.

For more information about our affordable labor and employment law services, give us a call today to schedule an appointment.
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